Price list
( 5% GST tax included)

Kindly ensure to notify me by 23:00 the day before the appointment or by 7 am on the appointment day at no cost if you need to change the date/time or cancel.
Cancellation notices between 7 am and 9 am on the appointment day will incur a $15 fee. If you cancel after 9 am, a fee of $80 will apply.
A $100 cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations at the door without notice or if nobody is at home at the appointment time.
Thank you for your understanding.
After labor total support Baby care and feeding support, arrange own Breast feeding program
(include Opening breast massage, Free Q&A)
(約3時間)お申し込みは随時。(継続しての授乳指導が必要な場合の再診は$10 OFF)
Michelle can visit your home to check mother and baby’s condition and teach newborn care, breastfeeding lesson. making own feeding program and give a lactation breast massage.
3 hrs /session.Weekend and holiday : only for emergency or special request with holiday charge. (For multipul babies ... add $30 / baby)
After 7pm、Emergency call ...Add $30 on Regular price.
Weekend and Nasional holiday ...closed. Emergency call ...Add $50 on Regular price.
月曜日から金曜日まで、一日3組まで、基本予約可能時間 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
Weekday regular time (up to 3 families / day ) 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
出張指導 1 time home visit, The first session $190/weekday ($240 weekend and holiday )
(2nd session $10 off ) 初診 $190/回 (再診$10引き)
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody
Pitt Meadow, Richmond, Vancouver , Burnaby, New Westminster
Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, North Vancouver
West Vancouver to Hose shoe bay
not below area... Please ask price
Mission, Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, Chilliwack, Vancouver Island, Washington(USA)
母乳マッサージ Breast massage for trouble
うつ乳、乳腺炎、過剰分泌のケア、授乳中のメンテナンスマッサージ(血液循環促進、ホルモン分泌促進、乳汁分泌促進、乳管開通)などを目的に行うマッサージです。授乳指導は含まれません。 約2時間のセッションです。
同症例において、施術者の判断により再診が必要な場合、$10 OFFとなります。新しいトラブルに関しては再診扱いになりません。
Special care massage for any problem of breast condition or mastitis. Not include lactation support and baby lactation check up. 2 hours session. ( $10 off from regular price if mother need 2nd session , not apply to new trouble)
After 7pm、Emergency call ...Add $30 on Regular price.
Weekend and Nasional holiday ...closed. Emergency call ...Add $50 on Regular price.
月曜日から金曜日まで、一日3組まで、基本予約可能時間 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
Weekday regular time (up to 3 families / day ) 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
出張指導 1 time home visit The first session 初診 $160 weekday ($210 weekend and holiday )
(再診 Trouble care massage 2nd session $10 off 、新しい問題には再診の適用になりません。Nor apply to new trouble)
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody
Pitt Meadow, Richmond, Vancouver , Burnaby, New Westminster
Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, North Vancouver
West Vancouver to Hose shoe bay
not below area... Please ask price
Mission, Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, Chilliwack, Vancouver Island, Washington(USA) Please ask
母乳マッサージ Breast massage for maintenance
(free baby measuring , Free Q&A)
The maintenance massage is for open smooth mammary glands, produce more hormone, more milk and keep in good condition of the breasts during breastfeeding term. We recommend that you get it once a two weeks or 1~2months. (No holiday service) 1.5~2 hours / session No holiday session.
At the first consultation, include lactation massage, self-massage lesson and instruction of basic knowledge of breastfeeding. ( 2~2 1/2 hours for 1st session only )
Not include lactation support, milk drinking amount check, building own lactation program.
月曜日から金曜日まで、一日3組まで、基本予約可能時間 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
Weekday regular time (up to 3 families / day ) 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
出張指導 1 time home visit $160 weekday (First session with new client $160 )
初診で始めてMOMを利用する人 $160/回 2回目以降10ドル引き (2nd session $10 off)
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody
Pitt Meadow, Richmond, Vancouver , Burnaby, New Westminster
Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, North Vancouver
West Vancouver to Hose shoe bay
not below area... Please ask price
Mission, Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, Chilliwack, Vancouver Island, Washington(USA) Please ask
Support for Termination of Breast feeding
Make an own Weaning program (free support by Text)
Final milk removal care (depends on breast condition)
We support for termination of breast feeding. We make an own program and give a milk removal massage (remove old milk from breasts). Free making own program by text or mail. No holiday session
断乳後や、プログラム中の乳房ケアマッサージ (1~3回)は出張で行います。状態によってはテキスト指導のみで排出のケアは不要な方もおられます。殆どの場合、必要であってもプログラム終了後の残った乳汁の排出ケアだけでおわります。
this care is for removal old milk care. Most of mothers take a final removal milk care just once only after the program. Some mothers doesn't need final care, I will give an advice on text (free) depends on condition.
月曜日から金曜日まで、一日3組まで、基本予約可能時間 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
Weekday regular time (up to 3 families / day ) 10AM、1:30PM、4:30PM
出張指導 1 time home visit The Final care 断乳後ケア $120 weekday
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody
Pitt Meadow, Richmond, Vancouver , Burnaby, New Westminster
Surrey, Delta, Maple Ridge, White Rock, Langley, Abbotsford, North Vancouver
West Vancouver to Hose shoe bay
not below area... Please ask price
Mission, Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, Chilliwack, Vancouver Island, Washington(USA) Please ask
出産準備クラス Prenatal class (Japanese and English)
Online Class, you can join anytime !!
4講義+テキスト 4 classes + text .... $200.00 ( /family )
出産準備教室 参加費用
参加費用 全4回講義、テキスト含む $200(ご夫婦単位)
Prenatal class Review (for multipara)
オンライン指導 ..................... $80.00(テキスト郵送費含む)
出張またはオンライン講義、産後の訪問指導、母乳マッサージ1回付 Private + after labor check up (include breast massage)
Infant & Child First Aid
全2講義 (2 classes) ............ $60.00
(テキスト、DVD付き text with dvd)
Medical Interpretation Services (English⇔Japanese)
基本料金(2時間まで)Basic charge up to 2 hours ............... $60.00
以降1時間あたり (add each 30mins) ................ $25.00/H
交通費別途実費 add transportation fee (over 2 zone )
The following activity is a non-profit activities of MOM.
Baby Food lesson
Breast feeding class
離乳食講習会 Baby food lesson with text ...................... $20.00
母乳育児講習会 Breast feeding class with text ................... $20.00
Baby Health Checkup and Potluck Party
1家族 1 Adult + Kids............... $5.00~$6.00 (add 1 adult ... $2 )