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   Enjoy !!! maternity life











Enjoy! Maternity life ①

When you become pregnant, your period stops. After ovulation, the lining of the uterus grows in preparation for pregnancy. This is like preparing a soft bed for the baby, but if fertilization does not occur within 24 hours of ovulation, this lining of the uterus will break down and the dead egg will be discharged as menstruation. Ovulation can be predicted to some extent by measuring the basal body temperature. Also, the egg can only live for 24 hours, but the sperm can live for 72 hours.
When fertilization occurs, hormones stop producing new ovulations, so menstruation ceases. In rare cases, minor bleeding may occur during early pregnancy due to hormonal effects and physical changes associated with pregnancy, but this does not affect the fetus or the continuation of the pregnancy. In some cases, the amount of bleeding begins to increase gradually, or suddenly a large amount of bleeding occurs, resulting in a miscarriage. However, most miscarriages within the 4th to 8th week of pregnancy are caused by some abnormality in the fertilized egg. There are many cases of refusal (no growth) and many cases of untreatable miscarriages. Miscarriages like this are more common than usual, and some women end up thinking they're on their period without even realizing they're pregnant. In most cases, it won't affect your next pregnancy, so don't worry too much. (If you do not repeat such an early miscarriage more than 3 times, there are many causes such as progesterone abnormalities, so please consult a specialist.)
Even if you have a miscarriage, your body will recover normally after about 3 months or more, so you can think about a new pregnancy.
To find out if you are pregnant, if you do not get your period more than two weeks after your expected period, go to a pharmacy, buy a tester, and urinate on it. If the results are positive, you will be referred to a walk-in clinic or a family doctor who can see obstetrics and gynecology, and will continue to receive examinations and examinations. Once you have decided on a doctor in charge, you will give birth at the hospital that the doctor in charge has a contract with (mostly general hospitals in the area where the doctor in charge is located). At the time of delivery, the attending physician assists the mother in childbirth, but sometimes only examination and postnatal care is provided, and the delivery is transferred to a specialist (obstetrician). If the first doctor does not perform the procedure, the care will be transferred to a specialist midway through, and after childbirth, the patient will return to a family doctor.

Ultrasound examinations, which are performed every time in Japan, are performed here at most 3 times, and on average only 1-2 times. The timing varies depending on the doctor's judgment, but it seems that there are many cases in the middle of pregnancy. Pelvic examination is rarely done unless there is a problem until late. In the early stage, there are only medical interviews and blood tests (not every time), and in the middle and late stages, it is only measurement of the fundus of the uterus, confirmation of heart sounds, urine tests, and blood pressure measurements. There is not much detailed examination and guidance like in Japan.


You can go to the Japanese consulate and get a maternal and child handbook written in both English and Japanese. It's convenient, so it's good to have it.

​In that case, I think that you will not be upset after giving birth if you get a birth registration set beforehand.









Enjoy! Maternity life ②

Pregnancy is usually confirmed around 6-8 weeks. Around this time, I noticed that my period was late, and I also had a positive response to an over-the-counter urine test. It is said that many pregnant women experience morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, and this can start as early as 8 weeks.
In English, it is called Sickness or Morning-sickness. It is said that it is caused by changes in hormone secretion in the body due to pregnancy, or it is said to be a temporary rejection due to the occurrence of a foreign substance called pregnancy, but in fact it is not clearly established. Many people experience it, but the degree varies, and some people have no symptoms or physical changes at all. Even if morning sickness occurs, most of it will subside around the 12th to 16th week. The main symptoms include nausea on an empty stomach, heartburn, vomiting, change in taste, and anorexia.
If you are less than 20 weeks pregnant, you do not need to worry about loss of appetite or lack of nutrition, as your baby will grow on nutrients stored in the mother's body. However, if excessive vomiting or loss of appetite continues, the mother's body may become dehydrated or anemic, so please consult a doctor in such cases. You may be given anti-vomiting medication or an IV.
It's only temporary, so eat what you want and drink plenty of fluids. Eating small amounts several times a day is less likely to cause vomiting than eating large amounts. An empty stomach makes me feel worse, so I always try to have something in it. If you drink a lot of water and still vomit, drink little by little. It is also good to add sugar to the tea to sweeten it, freeze it like sherbet and put it in your mouth little by little. (Tea is effective against nausea.) If you are prone to nausea, it would be a good idea to freeze water (anything is fine) and put it in your mouth little by little to absorb it. It doesn't matter after 20 weeks when you start thinking about the baby's nutrition and making a meal plan. In the early morning sickness period, just relax and get through it.
Some people get more sleepy than usual, but it's not bad to rest, but it's better to take a moderate walk, eat out, or meet friends than stay at home and lie down all the time. Please change your mind.
Don't move so much that you feel "tired" when you're pregnant. Tiredness destroys the metabolic balance of the body, worsens blood circulation, increases muscle tension and fatigue, and furthermore, it is not possible to provide the fetus with a good environment in the womb. Tiredness and irritability affect the fetus.
Let's take it easy and have fun at a slightly more leisurely pace than usual.











Enjoy! Maternity life ③

When you are pregnant, your body undergoes many changes. Morning sickness, which I talked about last month, is a change in the digestive system that more than 90% of pregnant women experience, but there are many other changes that occur.
Pregnancy increases blood circulation in your body. In the breast, as preparation for breast milk production, in the uterus and around the vagina, the amount of blood circulation increases and the subcutaneous fat increases and the muscles soften for childbirth. Coloration around the nipples and vagina can also be seen in the middle to late stages. Also, the tissue around the pelvis becomes softer, making it easier for the pelvic joints to stretch. These changes are intended to make the birth canal softer and easier to spread when the baby is born, but as the fetus grows in the middle and later stages, the weight becomes a burden and causes back pain. In the later stages, the uterus grows and puts pressure on the internal organs, so if it puts pressure on the lungs and heart, shortness of breath and palpitations will increase. wake up. Since the uterus puts pressure on the veins in the abdomen, the blood circulation in the lower body tends to deteriorate, resulting in leg cramps and varicose veins. If palpitations and shortness of breath are too severe, the heart may be overloaded. Other symptoms usually disappear after childbirth, so there is no need to worry. In the middle to late stages, the above symptoms are likely to occur, so correct your posture (relax and pull your shoulders to naturally grow taller), avoid unnatural weight on your lower back, and exercise moderately. It can be prevented and alleviated by loosening the muscles and promoting blood circulation in the lower extremities by elevating the lower body during sleep or rest. Placing a proper pillow under your knees will help relieve tension in your legs and improve blood circulation.
Some women also develop irritable or dry skin due to hormonal changes, or an itchy body called pruritus of pregnancy.
In that case, it is treated by putting cold water on the skin, moisturizing cream, indoor temperature, humidity, and clothing. UV rays can also cause spots and freckles to increase, so when going out in the summer, apply sunscreen (wash it off after returning home), and wear a hat, parasol, etc. to protect yourself from UV rays.
In addition, hair falls out, and the oral cavity becomes acidic, making it easier for tooth decay. Pregnancy gingivitis causes the gums to swell and bleed easily. Brush your teeth thoroughly and don't worry about bleeding. (It is better to remove the blood that is congested in the gums.) It is not good to damage the gums, so choose a soft brush. No need for toothpaste) Brush the hairline part of the teeth finely. Do this for about 3 minutes up and down, 2-3 times a day.
If you have a sore throat, we recommend gargle with strong tea (10 cups of hot water with 6 packs of green tea, or a mix of 3 packs of green tea and 3 packs of black tea). The antiseptic ingredients contained in tea suppress inflammation in the throat and suppress bacteria, so it is also a particularly effective preventive measure during Flu season.
In rare cases, the shape of the eyeball may change and hard contact lenses may not fit. In that case, please change to glasses.
In the latter half of the period, water metabolism will deteriorate, and the body will swell easily, so it is better to remove the ring.

Pregnancy lasts only a few months, but the body undergoes many major changes in that short time.
People around me tend to take the complaints of pregnant women lightly because they think that pregnancy is not a disease. The mental and physical burden on pregnant women who experience many of these overlapping is considerable. The deep understanding, cooperation, and support of those around you, especially your husband and family, are important.











Enjoy! Maternity life ④

When it comes to weight management, I think many people get nervous.
In Japan, weight management is the most strictly instructed during pregnancy. Why is it not strict in Canada?
This may be due to differences in medical circumstances, but the biggest factor here is that the medical side deals with it only when there is some kind of abnormality. It is true that nothing is better, but one reason is that we do not have enough time and space for preventive medicine. You may be wondering why the doctors don't care, but being overweight is a recipe for all kinds of trouble when it comes to pregnancy.
If you gain too much weight, it becomes difficult to move your body, and it puts excessive strain on your lower limbs, lower back, and internal organs. It also puts a strain on the heart, making it difficult to breathe, making anemia more likely, and causing leg fatigue, spasms, varicose veins, and muscle cracks. Metabolism in the body also deteriorates, placing a burden on the kidneys, and poor sugar metabolism can lead to nephritis and gestational diabetes. In addition, these symptoms are likely to be converted to gestational hypertension. Increased blood pressure raises concerns about vascular disorders, which can affect the fetus. It can also lead to adverse effects such as the baby becoming too big or, conversely, poor growth. Even if there are no pathological changes, the excess fat will stick to the internal organs and the baby's passageway (birth canal), making it difficult for the baby to get off. As a result, delivery may take longer, and in some cases, a caesarean section may be required. (Cesarean section rate in Canada is more than 10 times higher than in Japan!) Of course, being overweight is also an enemy of beauty for mothers.
Losing weight after giving birth can be difficult.
If you write this far, I think you can understand how important weight management is. So how much should it increase? For those who are slightly obese before pregnancy, it is recommended to gain about 6 to 8 kg by the time of childbirth. No matter how fat you are, keep it under 15kg.
If you have lost weight due to morning sickness, etc., it is a good idea to start with the weight you lost.
6 to 8 kg is the physiological gain associated with pregnancy, including the weight of the baby, increased blood volume, and increased fat requirements. Any more than that is unnecessary fat. Let's control it with an increase of 1-1.5 kg per month. Please be aware that a sudden increase of 3kg or more in a month will put a strain on your body.
Eat well-balanced meals, avoid high-fat and sugary snacks, and spend your time taking walks and light stretches.
Japanese people are smaller than Europeans and Americans, so their bellies don't look big. Also, judging by the appearance, there are cases where we are worried about whether the baby is growing properly and proceed with the examination, but this is also 95% or more of the cases so far. Even if it looks small on the outside, it's big inside, so don't get hung up on the appearance or shape of your belly.













Enjoy! Maternity life ⑤

What should I pay attention to regarding nutrition during pregnancy?
It's easy to ask what kind of food and how many grams to eat per day, but it's something you can't do otherwise. If you don't get it properly, you'll be worried about it extra. You don't have to think so hard.
Babies in the early stages of pregnancy need the basic nutrients in the mother's body, so especially if they have morning sickness, it's a good idea to drink water frequently and eat what they want to eat and what they can eat little by little. On the other hand, if you only take foods with a lot of sugar and fat, you may suddenly gain weight, so be careful. In Canada, people don't pay much attention to weight, but it can cause various problems, so don't gain more than 1-2 kg per month, ideally around 9 kg, and don't exceed 15 kg at maximum during the entire pregnancy. Let's.

After 20 weeks of gestation, the baby receives ample circulation of blood from the mother through the placenta. From this blood, the baby receives plenty of nutrients and begins to grow rapidly. I return things to my mother, so I don't mind if the baby and mother have different blood types.)
For the sake of the baby, I would like to consider the balance and amount of meals from the middle period. First of all, let's take 3 meals a day properly. If you can't eat a lot due to pressure on your stomach, take small portions several times.
As for the contents of the diet, include green vegetables, red and yellow vegetables, and root vegetables at every meal, and all protein sources such as meat, fish, and legumes in two-thirds of the daily meals. There is no need to increase the amount of rice, bread, noodles, etc., which provide energy, as usual. Be careful not to overeat, as carbohydrates and sugar lipids can cause obesity. Don't take twice as much as your baby's.
In the past, I was told that because my nutrition was unbalanced or my intake was low, but now I am getting enough nutrition. It is enough to eat the same as usual, or to eat a little extra protein, legumes, and vegetables. Unless you are a very thin person who eats very little, 1.2 times the usual amount should be enough. Snacking is fine, but be careful not to eat too many sweets, fruits, or fast food, as these can lead to excess calories. Boiled root vegetables, stews, rice balls, and warm vegetable salads are also recommended as snacks.
For those who tend to be constipated, take potatoes, vegetables, and prunes that are high in fiber. A glass of orange juice or soy milk in the morning can also help. It seems that the movement of the town to leave the flight is every 8 hours, so please wait 8 hours before eating breakfast. The switch that moves the intestines is turned on. On the other hand, if you eat something in less than 8 hours, the timer will reset, and you'll have to wait another 8 hours before your bowels will move, so be careful. Go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge to defecate and don't hold back. If you wake up in the morning and don't eat a little, the movement of your stomach and intestines will be late in the afternoon. The morning is the easiest time to move around, so I wouldn't recommend sleeping until noon and having brunch.
If you're anemic, try spinach, natto, lean meats and fish, seafood, and liver (if you like it) seaweed. Dairy products contain a lot of calcium, but if you don't like milk, you can use stew, white sauce, yogurt, fish, etc. Sesame seeds are one of the perfect foods that are rich in nutrients and rich in fiber. Any color is OK, and if you roast it a little and eat it half-grilled, it will be easier to digest and absorb.
Always have it on the table and add it to furikake, aemono, sauces, etc. Drink plenty of water, 1-1.5L/day during pregnancy.
But if you drink juices to keep yourself hydrated, you'll get too much sugar and gain weight, so be careful.
In Europe and the United States, there are many tablets and capsules containing various nutrients, but these should only be used as supplements for inadequate meals, and should not be relied on solely. If you take these mainly, you will lose the ability of the body to take in nutrients from food. Be sure to eat properly and make up for what you think is not enough. Even if these supplements are ingested, they are once collected in the liver, and 80% of them are excreted from the body. If it's a $50 supplement, $40 is thrown away. First of all, make sure you eat properly.
After the baby is born, it is very difficult to eat slowly. It's also nice to have a date with your husband before giving birth and have a delicious meal. Please enjoy the two of us before it's too late.










Enjoy! Maternity life ⑥

What should a pregnant woman eat? You also need to be careful with the ingredients you choose and when you eat out.
Pregnant women have a stronger cleansing effect than usual, and the indigenous bacteria are reduced.
As a result, you may end up hitting something you wouldn't normally hit. Be careful with the ingredients.
Many of you may have been told by your doctor to be careful with sashimi and sushi.
Raw fish can be contaminated with the bacteria listeria, which can lead to a disease called listeriosis. Listeria rarely affects healthy people, but pregnant women are said to be 20 times more likely to get listeria compared to non-pregnant women because of their weakened immune system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 2,500 people in the United States suffer from severe listeriosis each year. If a pregnant woman contracts listeriosis, it can cause premature birth and fetal death, and even if the baby is born unharmed, it can result in severe listeriosis itself, which can result in the baby's death. I have. Even if the mother does not show symptoms of listeriosis, the fetus can be infected through the placenta. For this reason, it is said that pregnant women should avoid sushi and sashimi.
In Japan, there seems to be little guidance that pregnant women should not eat sushi or sashimi, but this seems to be because listeria is rarely seen in Japan. Items other than raw fish that may contain Listeria include:  
• Soft cheeses (soft cheeses such as feta, camembert, brie, blue, Mexican-style cheeses such as queso blanco fresco). Hard and semi-soft cheeses (parmesan, mozzarella, pasteurized processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc.) are fine.  
• Lunch meat (ham, sausage, etc.). It's fine as long as it's thoroughly cooked before eating. Patties and meat spreads that require refrigeration. Anything in a can is fine.  
• Smoked seafood. Anything cooked over a fire is fine.  

Secondly, in North America there are many vendors who are not used to handling raw fish and may not handle it properly. Check as much as possible to see if the temperature and hygiene are properly controlled at the fish shop, and if the sushi shop handles the fish in a hygienic manner. In addition, fish such as salmon and cod may have parasites. Insects die when frozen at ultra-low temperatures, so it's common for sushi and sashimi fish in Japan to be processed in that way, but that's not always the case with the fish available here. When parasites enter the pregnant woman's body, the nutrients that should go to the fetus are taken away by the parasites.

There is also the issue of contaminants. Not only sashimi and sushi, but also cooked foods, such as tuna, swordfish, and Spanish mackerel, which live long by eating other fish, contain organic mercury. Eating too much has been shown to affect fetal brain development. In addition, river fish from heavily contaminated areas are known to contain large amounts of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). If you eat a lot of these types of things, the concentration of pollutants will be high. Fish is a very good source of protein, and its fat content is healthier than meat, so pregnant women should definitely eat it. Avoid raw fish if possible and try to eat a variety of fish in moderation during pregnancy.
WHO also recommends consumption of fish. However, there are also problems such as mercury, so Health Kanada has established intake standards. Most of the fish sold in Canada are within the relatively safe standard values, so it is said that you can take fish up to 75g twice a week without worrying too much.

Fish is an excellent protein food and is rich in many nutrients.
In particular, calcium, iron, abundant vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids (1) DHA (helps brain growth and promotes cell activity), (2) EPA (lowers blood cholesterol), taurine (promotes brain growth in newborns, retina development, It contains a lot of nutrients that are important not only for adults, but also for rapidly growing infants and children.

The fish below are low in mercury and rich in omega-3s. There are no intake restrictions.
anchovy, capelin, char, hake, herring, Atlantic mackerel, mullet, pollock (Boston bluefish), salmon salmon, smelt, rainbow trout, lake whitefish, blue crab, shrimp, clam, mussel ) and oyster.

The following fish are fish that require attention to the amount of mercury, so intake guides are provided.
fresh/frozen tuna, shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy and escolar

Intake standard
Adult men and women (older than the age not planning to conceive) 150g or less per week
Adult women (of childbearing age), breastfeeding, pregnant 150g or less per month
5 to 11 years old 125g or less per month
1-4 years old 75g or less per month

Canned tuna has different standards. You can think about it separately from the above.
Water cans and Light have less mercury and calories than Oil cans. Canned albacore tuna has the highest mercury content of any canned tuna sold in Canada. An intake guide has been established based on this standard.

Intake standard (1 dose 75g)
Adult males and females (older than those who are not planning to become pregnant) No restrictions
Adult women (of childbearing age), breastfeeding, pregnant 75g up to 4 times a week
5 to 11 years old 75g up to twice a week
1-4 years old 75g up to once a week
Other canned seafood and processed foods are not subject to the standards.

Enjoy a delicious meal while paying attention to these things. Please take the same precautions for several months after childbirth.











Enjoy! Maternity life ⑦

From the early to mid-pregnancy period, the belly is not so big, so I don't think it's a concern, but in the latter half of the mid- to late-term period, the belly bulges out, putting a lot of weight on the lower back and lower limbs, and bad posture. It's going to be This can lead to unpleasant back and neck pain. These are things that most pregnant women experience, but they are troublesome if they are left as they are.
Therefore, correct your posture and exercise moderately to reduce or prevent symptoms as much as possible.
First of all, regarding posture, pull your chin lightly and pull your shoulders back. Pull your shoulders to widen your chest. This should allow your back to naturally straighten and straighten your spine. It is a posture that does not put excessive force on the stomach and does not put a burden on the lower back. This attitude is basic. Please pull both shoulders straight whenever you notice. Correct posture eliminates pressure on the stomach, makes the baby feel comfortable, and relieves back and back pain. In addition, by expanding the chest to the left and right in this way, the rib cage is widened, breathing is smooth, and circulation is improved. Improving respiratory circulation means improving blood circulation in the body, which is very good for the development of blood vessels in the breast, which is the source of breast milk for the baby.
Let's do gymnastics based on this basic posture. With your hands on the wall and your back bent, spread your legs forward and backward, slightly bend the knee of the leg that is in front of you, and rhythmically stretch your arms and push hard against the wall.
This exercise has the same effect as facing the husband, stretches out both hands, puts the palms together, and pushes against the wall, which is effective for back and waist pain.
Also, having your husband turn your back and stretch your arms upwards and pull them upwards is also effective for lower back pain. If you don't have someone to pull you out, stretch your arms out and stretch your fingers together. Especially if you are doing office work on a daily basis, take frequent breaks to improve your posture. Also, do a few minutes of foot-stomping once an hour to help pump your lower body and improve blood circulation.

Sit cross-legged on the floor, pull your shoulders and stretch your spine, then slowly rotate your hips left and right. Cross your arms horizontally in front of your chest and spread your chest wide. Stretching your arms upwards and spreading your chest will strengthen your pectoral muscles and prevent your breasts from sagging.
The cross-legged position softens the thigh muscles and makes it easier to open the legs. This is very important during childbirth. Keep your lower body soft by sitting cross-legged and pushing your knees with your hands as much as possible.

I also exercise my buttocks during standing work and walking. Put your strength to bring both cheeks of the buttocks together so as to tighten the anus. Try to rhythmically squeeze your anus about 50 times a day. This has the effect of softening the muscles around the vagina and quickly recovering the loosened muscles around the vagina after childbirth, so it is continued after childbirth.

Avoid wearing tight-fitting underwear during the second trimester of pregnancy. In order to facilitate breastfeeding, do not wear tight-fitting underwire bras, especially since your breasts are developing rapidly. Replace it with something like a sports bra, soft bra, or exercise top. Please keep this in mind until about half a year after giving birth, when breast milk will settle down.

Simply pulling in your shoulders and correcting your posture can greatly reduce the discomfort of lower back and back pain. Please always be careful. It's also good to massage your warm body after taking a bath.
Yoga and aerobics are also good for the body, but you don't have to force yourself to start. But try taking a walk once a day. It's refreshing, and the cool, clean air is great for your respiratory system. Walking is a perfect exercise for the whole body. A one-hour walk provides moderate exercise and mental relaxation, improves blood circulation in the body, softens muscles, and is effective in facilitating childbirth! am.


The video introduces super easy stretches recommended by MOM. Anyone can do it easily. Please try.










Enjoy! Maternity life ⑧

Maternity life is finally coming to an end. This month's topic is breastfeeding.
Breast milk is the ultimate nourishment and medicine for babies, and it is also the deep bond between mother and child.
It is economically easy and convenient to use breast milk until the weaning period after one year of age. Even if your baby grows up with milk, as long as you cherish the one-on-one mother-infant time of holding and breastfeeding, there is no problem. Modern milk is close to mother's milk and has superior ingredients. However, breast milk for the first few days after the baby is born has a special value that cannot be supplemented by milk. It is the many immunological and antibacterial substances contained in breast milk, which is yellow in color as the initial thickening called colostrum. This immune colostrum, which is carried from the mother's body to the baby, protects the weak and weak baby, who has just been born, has few bacteria, no resistance, and no physical strength, from the various bacteria in the outside world. It takes 2 to 3 days for an early person, and usually more than 1 week for breast milk to flow smoothly enough to fill the baby's stomach. But no matter how little it is, colostrum for the first few days after birth is important medicine for your baby, so let them suck it up.

Breast milk is produced by the stimulus that a baby sucks. Don't give up even if the amount is small. Have them suck on one side for 5 to a few minutes every 2 to 3 hours and then switch to the other side for 2 round trips, up to 30 minutes. If the baby doesn't get enough milk, the baby will be dehydrated. If you let your baby suckle every hour every day, most of the time you will produce a lot of breast milk, so you can breastfeed only with breast milk.

What should be taken care of during pregnancy to produce a lot of breast milk? Breasts develop rapidly in the later stages of pregnancy. The developing mammary glands are very delicate and easily damaged, so wear a soft and loose bra that does not contain wires to avoid strong stimulation. Don't wear clothes that constrict your chest. Straighten your back and stretch your pectoral muscles. Do exercises that stretch your arms upwards or spread them to the left and right to expand your chest.
As you enter the third trimester of pregnancy, the first thing you should do is take care of your nipples. For several minutes a day, pinch the nipple with your fingers and pull it forward. Occasionally pull it by twisting it left and right. This will make the nipple easier to open. A baby's nipple sucking force is very strong, and many mothers end up hurting their nipples when they start sucking. Pulling out the nipple is important not only for making the nipple easy to suck, but also for the purpose of strengthening the nipple. If you pull the nipple, something like white residue will come out at the tip of the nipple, but this is dirt clogged in the nipple, so please rub it lightly with a towel and wash it off. If you have small or withdrawn nipples, try to pull them out every day. There are some people who are premature and have a watery substance or milk before giving birth. Stimulating your nipples can cause your stomach to swell. If you feel bloated, please stop immediately. As an aside, the hormones that make milk also cause the uterus to contract. Therefore, the stimulation of the nipples causes the stomach to become bloated. Be careful not to overstimulate your breasts during sex during the latter half of your pregnancy, and refrain from doing so when you tend to feel bloated.









Enjoy! Maternity life ⑨

When you enter the 36th week of pregnancy, you will be ready to give birth at any time. Babies gain a lot of body fat and gain weight in the last month. At this time, mothers tend to gain weight too, so be careful!
Rather, it is better for the mother not to gain weight anymore.
A term baby is defined as a baby born between 36 and 42 weeks. You don't know when the birth will start during this time, so avoid going out and prepare for hospitalization.
A few sets of baby clothes are enough for newborns, and the rest should be larger, such as for 3 to 6 months.
Newborns tend to get smaller quickly. Depending on the case, a large baby may not be able to wear it for a month. Considering the season, indoors in Canada are always just the right temperature, so light underwear and a top will suffice. In the summer, you can use one piece, and then you can adjust it with a hanging.
You will need a car seat for newborns when you leave the hospital, so prepare it in advance. The rest will be enough after discharge. It is OK even if there is no baby bath in particular. I have been using it for about 1 month. Borrowing from a friend or a similar-sized storage container will work as well. A container box can be used for storage later and will not be wasted. Bottles and milk are readily available wherever you need them, so there's no need to panic. No need for baby shampoo. No lotions, oils or powders needed. Babies' skin is sensitive, thin and prone to rashes, so it's best to keep it clean and dry as little as possible. However, Canada is quite dry indoors, so if your skin dries out too quickly and becomes flaky, you should use a moisturizing lotion or cream. Socks are not required indoors. Let it go when you go out or when it feels cool to the touch. Hats are not required indoors.
I don't need a pillow until 2 years old. A folded towel will suffice. Elevating your baby's head on a pillow puts strain on their neck, which is not yet strong in muscles.

Now, when you have completed these preparations, relax and wait for the baby's cue.
Birth starts in many different ways. There may be some vaginal discharge with a little blood in it. (Many people have no marks.) This is because part of the baby's egg membrane has come off, and it means that the birth is near. But even if there is a sign, it doesn't start right away. As long as the amount of bleeding does not increase, change clean pads frequently and spend your time normally. Bathing is no problem.
I often have irregular labor pains (tummy tension) before giving birth, but this is also like practice. Real contractions always come in a precise rhythm.
Your waters may break before you go into labor, but you won't be able to have a baby until you have contractions. Just call the doctor and wait for contractions. Unlike urine, water breaks cannot be stopped on your own will. When you move or your abdomen pressure is applied, it will trickle down. Apply a clean pad and relax. You may take a shower. Your baby will be fine if your water breaks. In most cases, labor pains will come within a day after the water breaks, but sometimes it does not come for 2 to 3 days. In Canadian hospitals, if labor does not come after 24 hours, they often take some kind of procedure to induce labor. This is due to the increased risk of mother-to-child transmission.
Now, real labor pains always come at regular intervals. Some people start with 30 minutes, others say 15 minutes, 10 minutes, and suddenly 5 minutes. If you feel bloated, time yourself first. When the feeling of contraction and the pain time becomes regular, it is time to give birth. Call your doctor when the interval is 7-5 minutes. In Canada, for first-time mothers, it is said that it is time to be hospitalized when one or more strong labor pains occur every three minutes, unless there is a specific support. Even so, if the cervix is only 2 cm or less open, you may be sent home.
Until you are admitted to the hospital, eat easy-to-digest food, relax, and save energy. If your water hasn't broken, bathing will soften your muscles. Physical strength is the key to victory in childbirth. Don't be impatient, don't panic, let's face each other firmly. Do not be afraid! ! Women have the power to give birth to babies. Face it with the confidence that you will produce it.

In the unlikely event that you have a lot of red bleeding, such as when you have a heavy period, regardless of whether you are in labor or not, go to the hospital immediately. Also, if labor pains last longer than 3 minutes, you are likely to be under baby-level stress, so please contact your doctor in this case as well.









Enjoy! Maternity life ⑩

After giving birth, the mother's body slowly returns to its pre-natal state. It is the uterus that reacts quickly. The hormone that produces breast milk is produced at its peak around the 8th or 9th month of pregnancy, but this hormone also has a strong effect on contracting the uterus. But while the baby is in the womb, the placenta stops the hormone from working. After childbirth, the hormones that had been turned off at the same time as the placenta peeled off began to work, causing the mammary glands to develop rapidly and begin to produce breast milk. At the same time, the uterus, which has become empty, contracts rapidly and returns to its original size. Within a week after giving birth, the strongest contractions occur and the uterus is quickly retracted into the pelvis. This hormone is produced when the baby sucks the nipple, so for several days after giving birth, every time the baby is breastfed, the uterus contracts strongly and sometimes feels a strong pain. Most people get better in about 3 days. Don't worry about the pain associated with this contraction. Consider your uterus recovering to normal. However, if the pain is too strong and painful, pain relievers may be taken.
The uterus will fully return to its original size in 3-4 weeks. In addition, wounds in the uterus, the birth canal, and the perineal area caused by childbirth heal in about a month. Pregnancy changes the balance of all hormones, and it takes about six months for those hormones to return to normal.
In other words, one month after giving birth, your body will return to normal, but it will take about six months for complete recovery due to hormones, so please take it easy and relax.
Immediately after childbirth, the baby bleeds a lot, and the body needs a lot of blood to make breast milk, so the body is anemic and the physical strength is greatly reduced. However, because I am so focused on caring for the baby, I am in a state of excitement and do not feel tired, so I do not rest and push myself. About two weeks after giving birth, the mother becomes tired, develops a fever, and develops inflammation in weak parts of her body. Rest as much as possible after giving birth, and try to sleep with your baby when he is asleep so that your physical strength can recover. It is important to have the understanding and cooperation of the family members. In order to build blood after giving birth, you need a diet with high protein, sufficient minerals and vitamins, and 2L to 3L of water.

It takes about a month for breast milk to settle down, so please avoid taking too much sugar and oil during that time. Early breast milk is breast milk that contains a lot of immune substances and antibacterial substances. It is thicker and thicker than regular breast milk. Be careful not to add too much sugar or oil to your breast milk, as this will make your milk extra greasy and clog and damage your delicate mammary glands. It is normal to have a small amount of breast milk for the first week after giving birth. It contains at least a lot of immune substances. Be sure to include both breasts with your baby every 2-3 hours. Switch one side for 5 to 10 minutes and let both sides suck alternately for 2 round trips, or 1 round trip for 15 to 20 minutes, at least 20 minutes and up to 40 minutes. In this case, drink quickly and drink heavily at the beginning. By switching both sides and having them suck in a balanced manner, breast milk will come out well from both sides. Since the baby digests while drinking, the feeding interval should be given every 2 to 3 hours from the start.
Immediately after birth, both the baby and the mother are not accustomed to it, so it is very difficult. But little by little we get used to each other and get better at it. Please face the baby who is not impatient.

This is the end of maternity life. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact MOM.

Baby care is "sukusuku baby" and others,Parenting tips pagePlease take a look.

Sukusuku baby Childcare notes from newborns​ (parenting tips by age)



We wish you a healthy birth.











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