eat a lot of fish,
But just be careful...
Most of the fish sold in Canada are within relatively safe standards, so you don't have to be so nervous.
It is said that you can take fish up to 75g twice a week.
Fish is an excellent protein food and is rich in many nutrients.
In particular, calcium, iron, abundant vitamins, omega-3 fatty acid ① DHA (helps brain growth, promotes cell activity),
② EPA (lowering blood cholesterol),
Taurine (promoting brain growth in newborns, retina development, visual acuity recovery, etc.) Not only for adults, but also for rapidly growing infants,
It contains many important nutrients for children.
However, in recent years, it is necessary to pay attention to problems such as water pollution, methylmercury contained in fish, and parasites.
For this reason, Health Canada has created a dietary restriction guide for the following types of fish, so please refer to it.
The fish below are low in mercury and rich in omega-3s. There are no intake restrictions.
anchovy, capelin, char, hake, herring, Atlantic mackerel,
mullet, pollock (Boston bluefish), salmon, smelt, rainbow trout,
lake whitefish, blue crab,
shrimp, clam, mussel and oyster.
The following fish are fish that require attention to the amount of mercury, so intake guides are provided.
fresh/frozen tuna, shark, swordfish, marlin,
orange roughy (deep-sea fish, white fish)
Intake standard
Adult men and women (older than the age not planning to conceive) 150g or less per week
Adult women (of childbearing age), breastfeeding, pregnant 150g or less per month
5 to 11 years old 125g or less per month
1-4 years old 75g or less per month
Canned tuna has different standards. Please think separately from the above. From oil cans, water cans, regular
Light has less mercury. The highest mercury content of any canned tuna sold in Canada
This is canned albacore tuna.
An intake guide has been established based on this standard.
Intake standard for canned tuna (75g per serving)
Adult males and females (older than those who are not planning to become pregnant) No restrictions
Adult women (of childbearing age), breastfeeding, pregnant 75g up to 4 times a week
5 to 11 years old 75g up to twice a week
1-4 years old 75g up to once a week
Other canned seafood and processed foods are not subject to the standards.